
                                                                  'Trinity' = "Trinetra"


There is an eternal triangle of human existence to me it’s the God-Religion-&-Mythology. Yes, I’m an Indian, a Sanatan Indian. Mythology is to me the essence of history that take some to the world, the world of truth, values and innovation. Every bit of those I believe are true the war of 'Kurukshetra', ten necked demon who was actually the greatest Brahmin of the whole universe.  And my beloved ‘Krishna’ the fifth dimensional being who actually know what is going to happen but he’s just present to perform the events precisely.

    Then the religion the existence of religion is as true as the existence itself when you go inside a temple, go to the church you can feel it in your entire life. It’s all around you its every were some called it spirituality, some propaganda and 90’s kid like me it a mere a simulation generated by outer space controlled by a collective consciousness. No, I’m not talking about the ‘Matrix’ or the Gaia. Like I told you if you go to the stony temples of south India, seats inside then you understand the power of the ancient geometry, its acoustic effect and the earthy smell then you can feel the energy resides there. 

The power of the Ohmm chanting.

    At last, the God. Its definition is different in case of every individual. Some says it’s your inner voice or for some my focussing your thoughts to a symbol or an idol. But to me it’s the focusing of your problem faced by our entire life. God id the construct a where you can dump your problem for the solution or he is the keeper of your problems in a specific sector in your consciousness. According to the Einstein, God is a physicist whose language is mathematics. Einstein who was also a Physicists, actually saw his subconscious failures as a problem and sinked to an individual that who solve those by some equation or notation and rise him to a prime form of himself. Just think, who is better than our own self who actually solved his own problem. To Me as a Biologist the god is a supreme being that resides its position as far away of the Kardashev scale that we are not able to imagine. A civilization may be zeroed down to a single individual where Biology, Chemistry or Physics unified in as a centralized knowledge.



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